About Us
Hagaao kia mautolu
a bit of history
Kilbirnie Presbyterian Church’s (KPC) missional birthplace came out of the output of a Commission appointed by the Wellington Presbytery in August 2013. Prior to this, we were three separate congregations without a common mission: St James (Niuean), St James (English) and St Giles. It is from this Commission’s review that we adopted the recommendation to be a new parish.
The Kilbirnie Parish is based around the ministry of the Niuean congregation extending out to Kilbirnie and surrounding areas and also to the Niuean community residing in Porirua, Wellington City, Hutt Valley and the Kapiti Coast.
We are a gathered and enlarged multicultural church community of strong Niuean character.
As a Church we are dedicating our people and resources, in our response to God’s mission to the communities of Wellington East, and those identifying as Niuean ethnicity in the Wellington Region
and beyond.
We celebrate and uphold our unique cultural and congregational heritages as one people, one body, one family/whanau/magafaoa in Christ.
Our Vision is about Bringing People Together
We are a community of strong faith community who embraces all people, woven together by the grace of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to:
· Worship and serve God,
· Seek the heart and mind of Christ, and to
· Advance the Good News and be the hearts, hands and feet to those in need in our communities, including our role of advocacy for all Creation and social justice.
Together in our unity and diversity in Christ, we are invited, called and gifted to participate in God's Mission to God's creation
At KPC we are a Missional Church; we are God’s people with God’s mission at the center of our heart and common life together. We are strong in our gathering – committed to loving each other, worshipping God, and sharing our lives together. We are equally passionate in our sending – being God’s heart, hands and feet to those identifying as Niuean in the Wellington region, and all peoples in Kilbirnie and beyond.